... A variety of forms...

The greek road-iconostasis tradition has generated a wide variety of shrines and the walker will find...

In order to get some related informations, you may also visit other sites...

Credits .


















Thanks to CompuServe members E. Michaliadis, R. K. McMeekin, Maurice Rowe for interesting discussions and the informations they gave about iconostasis. Were also useful:

- Lawrence Nees iconostasis article in Grolier Encyclopedia,

- Nicholas Gage book "Hellas, a portrait of Greece", Efstathiadis group A.E., 1995.

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Other related sites

Having seen some examples of containers, you may be interested in having a look at the contents. In such case, it is worth jumping to the following sites that will display a lot of icons:

If you want to see more landscape views, you'll find some right here and if you feel like surfing around Greece, numerous links to greek sites or subjects are waiting for you

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Last modified June 22, 2006.